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Et tu, Brute?

Age 32, Male


South Forsyth High School

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I'm not sure why I'm even taking my time to help the people who got it from the 4chan fandango game, but whatever...

Okay, if you have just installed the shit BUT you have not restarted your system yet, you're in luck. :D I have made a quick fix for Microsoft Windows XP Professional. But, I have a feeling it'll work the same on all from basic to pro, or whatever it is. I wouldn't try it on Vista, though. Anyway, the virus is a fuck-up on Vista, so getting rid of it on that OS should be easy as pie.

http://www.2shared.com/file/3607451/5c f79211/Delete_Some_of_the_SS_Virus.htm l
BTW, run this file on the user account you have the virus on.

Here's the extended info for it:
This should delete the hidden installed files of the 4chan fandango. You still need to delete the program files > 4chan fandango and the files you primarily downloaded, though. But those are easy to find, so that's why I was too lazy to include them. :3
Make sure you say yes to the registry change. Unless you want the message to popup every time you are about to login to your system.
Afterwards, download/install Hijackthis. Do a scan and there will be 4 things necessary to fix. They say something like:
[hklm] and then a long thing ending with most likely a vbe file.
If you don't know what you're doing, please for the love of God PM me the logfile so I can tell you exactly what to fix.
This WILL NOT delete the whole virus IF you have restarted your computer prior to using this, but it'll still help in removing some shit.
The reason I haven't done a complete fix is because after restarting your pc, the virus changes the WINDOWS files. What I mean by that is files in system32, and such. I still need to do much more research to find out exactly what those are, so I can bring them back to their original state.

I understand completely if you don't trust the link, especially after this 'outbreak', but I can swear to you that this won't harm your computer in any possible fashion.

Okay, so there's the problem fixed, easily as well, if you were smart enough not to restart your computer at first.

Now, if you have restarted your computer, I still recommend to download and do the quick fix. It won't fix everything. Oh, no, but at least it helps.

Search your computer for files created and modified on the day you installed/restarted. Delete any vbe or d22 files. Also, any others that look suspicious as well.

Don't system restore if you're on XP. The virus fucks around with that too.

Okay, one last thing for you to make sure you do is download Hijackthis. Install it, Run it while making sure it saves a logfile. Please PM me the text of the log file. I might be able to help you right up front and tell you what to fix, but I still need several logs to compare and contrast.

So, before (and if) I make a complete fix, some methods have been "known" to remove the virus.
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/93 8211

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/93 8533

Also, if it comes down to it, reformat your computer.

Okay, if you have vista and you got it, what I did ;__; was to delete all the files related to it. All the files created in my appdata folder. These would be vbe files and d22 files. Also an icon and a flash movie.
Run a system restore to something, say, two days before you got the virus. And then, I deleted all the files created and modified on the day of download and install. I can't assure this will work for you though. The virus is unstable on Vista and has had different effects on different people. For instance, the only change for me was the login message, but other people got the desktop background and stuff. :/

I'll update this as (if) I go along with fixes. ;)